Senator Williams Pays Multiple Ethics Penalties

On February 11, 2010, the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) met to consider two separate ethics complaints lodged against Texas State Senator, Tommy Williams.
The TEC determined both complaints contained credible evidence of violations of state campaign finance statutes.
Violations included failing to report some political contributions as well as failing to report some political expenditures.
In order to rectify the complaints, Senator Williams agreed to pay a $750 and a $200 civil penalty.
Penalties handed out by the TEC for violations are civil in nature and can vary widely.
The TEC was created in 1991 by an amendment to the Texas Constitution. Some of the TEC’s responsibilities include administering and enforcing the following:
Title 15 of the Election Code including political campaigns and contributions.
Chapter 305 of the Government Code including lobbyist reports and activities.
Chapter 572 of the Government Code including personal financial disclosure and conduct of state officers and employees.